一、口試申請前 Before Application
Submit the “List of Graduate Students and Proposed Exam Committee Members for Master's Thesis Defense (Example)” in electronic format at the beginning of the semester in which the defense is to take place, and have it approved in a department meeting or academic committee meeting. Be sure to reserve a defense room with the department office at least one month in advance.
Important: If the defense is supposed to be held from October to April, please notify the department office at least one and a half months before the defense to allow time for eligibility verification.
二、口試申請 Application
*Please refer to the "Thesis Exam Application System Student Operation Handbook" on the Registration Division website.
流程 Process |
相關說明 Descriptions |
備註 Notes |
上傳學術倫理修課證明並登錄申請相關資料 Upload the proof of completion of academic ethics course and register application materials |
自臺灣學術倫理教育資源中心下載學術倫理修課證明,上傳至學位考試申請系統(路徑:教務資訊系統>學生資訊系統>畢業離校區>學位考試系統登錄論文考試申請相關資料)並登錄學位考試申請相關資料。 Download the proof of completion of the academic ethics course from Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education and upload it to Degree Exam Application System (Path: Academic Affairs System>Graduation>Degree Exam Application>Enter the relevant data for the thesis defense application)
口試前一個月 One month before the oral defense exam |
下載列印送至系辦公室: ➊論文考試申請書(範例)
Download and print out the following documents to the office: (1) Application of Defense for Master Dissertation(Example) |
➊論文考試申請書:請從學位考試申請系統下載列印 (1) Application of Defense for Master Dissertation: Download from Degree Exam Application System and print it out
➋教師擔任碩士班研究生論文口試明細表及聘函:目前學位考試申請系統版本有誤,請從教務處網頁>註冊組>研究所-碩士班論文考試相關表件下載列印 (2) Master Dissertation Timetable and Appointment: Currently, there is an error in the version of the Degree Exam Application System. Please download it from the website (Path: NCHU Office of Academic Affairs website > Registration Division > Forms Download > Graduate student-Masters’ thesis exam related documents) and print it out.
口試前一個月 One month before the oral defense exam |
寄予口試委員: ➊教師擔任碩士班研究生論文口試明細表及聘函 ➋Turnitin系統論文比對結果(與指導教授討論是否於此時提供)
Send the following documents to the committee: (1) Master Dissertation Timetable and Appointment (2) Turnitin The Similarity Report (Discuss the timing of giving this document to the committee with your advisor)
➊教師擔任碩士班研究生論文口試明細表及聘函:系辦送學校審核並蓋章後,會通知同學領取。 (1) Master Dissertation Timetable and Appointment: The student will get the Master Dissertation Timetable and Appointment with the school’s stamp on it from the office (The office will notify the student to get it back)
➋Turnitin系統論文比對結果:請至圖書館網頁>Turnitin論文比對系統下載。 (2) Turnitin The Similarity Report: You will get the Master Dissertation Timetable and Appointment with the school’s stamp on it from the office (The office will notify you to get it)
口試前一至兩週 One to two weeks before the oral defense exam |
*Before the Registration Division records the defense grade, students can still modify the defense date and title in the system.
*If committee members change, a copy of the Degree Examination Application Form, signed by the advisor, must be submitted to the Registration Division for revision. The department will modify the system and upload the new meeting records.
三、口試當天On the day of oral defense exam
口試文件 Documents needed during the oral defense exam |
相關說明 Descriptions |
備註 Notes |
提前至系辦領取費用清冊(範例) Go to the office to get “NCHU Department of Marketing Degree Examination Fee Receipt(Example)” |
檢視費用清冊內容是否正確無誤,於口試結束後請口委簽章後腳回系辦公室。 Check that the information on the receipts is all correct. Give back to the office with the committee’s signature. |
Turnitin系統論文比對結果 Turnitin The Similarity Report |
與指導教授討論是否需提供 Discuss the timing of giving this document to the committee with your advisor |
論文考試結果通知書(範例) Result of Master Thesis Defense(Example) |
共一張,請每位委員簽名 There is only one form, which all committee members should sign. |
Download from the website (Path: NCHU Office of Academic Affairs website > Registration Division > Forms Download > Graduate student-Masters’ thesis exam related documents) and print it out |
每位委員一張 One form for each committee member |
Master graduation oral exam paper verification page(Example) |
共一張,請每位委員簽名,正本考生留存,影本須裝訂於紙本論文內頁第一頁,繳交圖書館前至系辦公室蓋系章。 There is only one form, which all committee members should sign. Please keep the original; the photocopy must be attached to the first page of your printed thesis and have a department stamp on it by the department office before submission to the library. |
MBA Competency Assessment Form, College of Management, NCHU(Example) |
每位委員一張,勾選符合之能力後簽名 One form for each committee member, and the committee should check the competency and have their sign on it. |
自管理學院網站>國際交流認證>AACSB國際認證>文件下載列印 Download from the website (Path: College of Management, NCHU website>國際交流認證>AACSB國際認證>文件下載) and print it out |
After the defense, submit the following documents to the department office:
- Result of Master Thesis Defense(Example)
- Score of Master Defense(Example)
- MBA Competency Assessment Form, College of Management, NCHU(Example)
- NCHU Department of Marketing Degree Examination Fee Receipt(Example)
四、論文上傳 Upload the thesis
Upload the final thesis to the library’s website (ensure the final thesis title matches the title in the Thesis Exam Application System). After approval, the library will send an “Authorization Page” to your email. Print it, sign it, and submit the original paper when leaving.
*Library Thesis Upload Instructions can be found on the library website.
*Submit two printed copies of the thesis to the library (attach a photocopy of the “Master's Graduation Thesis Review Form”, signed by committee members, to the first page of the thesis, and have the department stamp on it).
五、畢業離校 Graduate
Submit the ”Leaving Confirmation for Graduate students” to the department office. (Download from the website (Path: NCHU Office of Academic Affairs website > Registration Division > Forms Download > Graduate student-Masters’ thesis exam related documents) and print it out)
Log into the “Academic Affairs System” to complete the system questionnaire (Path: Academic Affairs System>Graduation and Departure)
Fill out the AACSB Graduate Questionnaire
Complete any other unit clearance processes
Bring your student ID to the Registration Division for departure clearance and to receive your diploma